
The iron separator / manganese - removing filter has the function to remove iron and manganese dissolved in the water in the form of salts.
It consists of a cylindrical tank containing the filter material Dital-M (pyrolusite).
The water to be treated is oxygen-saturated charge ejector which sucks filtered air from the atmosphere and subsequently passes through the filter bed Dital-M and undergoes the oxidation of iron and manganese, which precipitate to the filter bed which has the catalytic properties in concerns oxidative action.
After treating a given volume of water (cyclic flow), or when the oxidative capacity of Dital-M is exhausted, the bed must be regenerated; after which the filter is ready to start a new cycle.


Features of the system series:• Quality steel construction welded to the upper and lower bottoms, completed Supports.
• Internal protection provided by layer epossidoico antacid or galvanizing bath.
• External protection with two coats of red lead and painting.
• Distributors higher water.
• lower Distributors impediment output filter material.
• Control battery regeneration and full exercise of external and internal pipes in PVC or galvanized steel.


• duplex systems.
• supporting metal skid.
• Operation Automatic or semi-automatic.
• Starting up the gear.
• sterility dosing station.

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