fdt srl

fdt srl

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About us

stabilimentofdt srl, leader in the water treatment plants since 1967, manufactures and markets systems of water treatment in industrial use and assists directly the customer both during the realisation of the plant production, and after longer use of it through its own technical experts, means and laboratory.

fdt srl . has design offices, factory and warehouse on an area of 6000 square meters. realizing at its location all technological parts of the most sophisticated systems, including testing.

fdt srl, ISO 9001 certified, has the objective to always improve the quality of the customer service: for this reason fdt Ltd. has decided to implement a quality management system of its internal processes conform to a model recognized at national and international level.

Offer Portfolio

fdt srl specializes in the design and supply of water treatment plants:

    • primary water (purification, softening, carbon filtration, sand filtration, reverse osmosis desalination)
    • waste water containing any type of pollutant (Biological purification Plants at total oxidation process or at MBR membranes process , installations for water treatment containing hardly biodegradable compounds, high COD content or metal content, oil removal installations)
  • Applies its own knowledge on fluids in general
  • Provides molecular separation technologies without altering or adulterate the treated product.
  • Select innovative research and builds on their own pilot plants in semi-industrial scale.
  • Always attentive to technological innovation
  • Collaborates with affected industries to really ensure the collaboration and productivity benefits, qualitative and economical benefits of new applications.
  • Makes single and unique equipment in accordance with the specific needs of each client. The technical department has a strategic role in company as it continues the development of increasingly more technologically advanced solutions to respond effectively to these requests.

Services offered


  • Basic engineering and detail
  • Construction of plants and complete equipment
  • Assistance to the installation and start-up
  • Management and post-sales support :
    • Programmed and preventive technical support Contracts
    • Supply of chemicals products
  • Feasibility study for revamping existing plants
  • Feasibility study and construction of pilot plants

Benchmark Areas

The treatment of water is placed, and widely used , in various industries including:


  • Thermal power stations
  • Hospitals
  • Aqueducts
  • Common
  • Provinces


  • Refineries
  • Chemical Companies - pharmaceutical – cosmetic
  • Food
  • Paper mills
  • Steelworks
  • Textile companies
  • Tanneries


fdt srl is certified ISO 9001

Contact us

fdt srl
Società con unico socio Culligan Acquisition Italy srl .
Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di Culligan International Company
viale Lombardia, 299/301 - 20861 Brugherio (MB)
Tel (+39) 039 287.16.88
Fax (+39) 039 88.43.76


Our technical and sales team is at your disposal to support you and give you advice on equipment and spare parts.

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fdt srl is located in Brugherio, province of Monza and Brianza.
It is about 10 km from the center of Milan, 8 miles from the airport of Milan / Linate and 24 miles from Milan / Malpensa. We are easily accessible from the eastern road ( tangenziale est -Cologno south exit)

I nostri contatti

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