fdt srl

fdt srl

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Filters static separators

They are adopted to separate the solid sediment from the water and not settleable primary and recycle intended to:

- Open and closed circuits of hot and cold water
- Spray circuits (eg. Continuous casting plants and rolling mills)
- Glands and seals for pumps and turbines
- Treatment with sand filters and charcoal
- Elimination of machining materials from waste water.


- Hydroelectric power plants, thermal and nuclear power
- Steelworks
- Foundries
- Chemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, food, rubber and paper
- Water Supply
- Air conditioning
- Gravel pits

Both in filtration in which purge there are moving mechanical parts.

The type of construction and the materials used are such as not to require maintenance or periodic revisions, resulting in savings in labor costs and replacement parts.

The filters are mounted in unmanned systems, such as eg. hydroelectric power plants, offshore platforms.



Model “JET”

The diameter of the JET filters normally corresponds to the diameter of the supply pipe; in the Standard and Mixed Groups you have a two-fold process of filtration and separation in the same filter, allowing food raw water with coarse bodies (leaves, stones, processing residues) and send to users water with solids up to the size of 30 microns.

- static
- Fully automatic
- Laminated filtration from 100 to 800 microns
- Flow rates from 18 to 4500 m3 / h
- Filtration continues even during purging

Model “Standard separation group”

- static
- Fully automatic and self-cleaning
- Separation of up to 30 microns
- Flow rates from 18 to 2300 m3 / h
- Separation continues even during purging

Model "mixed batch centrifugal separation"

- static
- Fully automatic
- Filtration of candles up to 300 microns
- Separation by hydrocyclones up to 30 microns
- Flow rates from 20 to 2300 m3 / h
- Filtration and separation even during continuous purging


Model "Hydromat"

- static
- Self-cleaning with water velocity do 0.5 m / s
- Filtration up to 3 mm
- Flow rates from 20 to 5000 m3 / h

Biological plants

The design of the series "BIO" made use of the extensive experience gained by the transfer function in the field of wastewater and special plants.

The series "BIO" is able to meet the needs of small and medium users to high organic pollution content in order to replenish the waters to receptor bodies in accordance with applicable laws. E 'consists of one-piece units with activated sludge process, complete with every accessory so ready for quick installation.




Due to the modular design the possibility of subsequent extensions and adding accessories to meet increases in demand poses no problem neither structural nor plant.
The range "BIO" is able to meet civil users from 25 to 500 persons and equivalent industrial and modular composition up to 1500 equivalent inhabitants. The installation can take place, both above ground level that ground under foot traffic coverage.

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